Winston Churchill once purportedly said there are two kinds of drinking problems - people that drink too much, and people who don’t drink enough. These clients did not have the latter problem, and were super fun to work with.
Precast Bar
Using glass tile to make a better seam.
Precast Outdoor Bar
For this outdoor bar, the client they wanted glass integrated from the bottles of wine they had enjoyed previously in the space. The problem is, to grind and expose glass aggregate is super messy, and the adjacent surfaces were already finished. So we wanted to pre-cast pieces, but I hate how the seams age over time outside. So, we came up with a clever way to install a decorative tile over the seam.
PreCast pieces with the homeowners empty wine bottle collection used as aggregate.
we wanted to precast pieces, but I hate how the seams age over time outside. So, we came up with a clever way to install a decorative tile over the seam.